
Monday, May 10, 2010

Rug fool

Can you believe that I activated my subscription just for this mount? Yes. A fool indeed.

It has been a month ( or maybe more) since I last logged on WoW. I think I may be coming back :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lady Raiders YT

Hmm interesting ...

As sad as it sounds, this reminds me of my raiding days with my old guild with Defiance back in Frostmane .. I miss playing with the old crew.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sims 3 Ambitions expansion

'Ambition's' expansion for Sims 3 is coming soon!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Reins of the Raven Lord!

  Finally dropped on the 22nd of February 2010. It only just took 83918230921830 years! :P Course I got dibs on the first drop :) Thanks bub. Time to pop in my contacts and head off to watch Alice in Wonderland in 3D! Oh .. and Zulian tiger you're next ...

WoW Plushies!

It looks as if Blizzard isn't cashing in enough, they have now introduced 22cm tall plush toys for US$25 for either or both sides (if you really wanted to) on their website. Unfortunately, it also seems I am contemplating whether I should nab one (or both!) for my pet collection.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Contemplating whether I should reroll Alliance in the expansion Cataclysm just to play a worgen. Ok, I'll try it out, and if I love it enough, then I might stick with em' permanently. We'll see.

The above photo kinda reminds me of 'grandma' from Little Red Riding Hood.

Also check out the starting area for the worgens on YT:


I must say, I love the transformation from human to werewolf.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Over it

I reactivated my wow account after almost a month of inactive, logged onto my main toons and realised I'm getting over it. getting bored and getting a bit more less interested. Probably also the reason why I haven't been updating my blog. I still have an inkling of playing Sims though. Just waiting on Sims 3 expansion.