
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sethekk Halls Anzu mount farming

Recorded Jun's deathknight Tirel and my balance-spec druid 2-manning Sethekk Halls for the mount. Mind you, this is our 60th-something run for the Anzu mount and it is just not dropping!

We figured since it's like a .1% chance to drop, we would expect to get one measly mount by 100th run right? RIGHT?!? Or there is seriously something wrong in the system.

At around 1:52 in the video, Tirel gets pushed back from the mob and aggroes the other mobs in the room, then I stupidly hit my AOE starfall and aggro an extra mob. Just brilliant! Luckily we only had one fatality during that encounter and it wasn't me!

Most of the mobs in Sethekk Halls are of course avoidable at level 80. If I had better gear specced as feral druid I could effortlessly run this instance by myself every day at reset but I'm stuck as moonkin since I have better gear as a moonkin than feral =P

We used to run this instance along with Magister's Terrace for the white hawkstrider mount and for the tiger mount and raptor mounts in ZG religiously like every week or whenever the instance resets, but I think we've pretty much given up hope at this time. We still manage to run it every few weeks per month so they will eventually drop!

Will post up the ZG mount farming video once I edit it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Magic Rooster Egg

Oh my goodness ... NEED!

If money could buy this, I'd snatch it up in a second!

Too bad I'd have to scour through hundreds maybe thousands of TCG card packs to find this. If Blizzard feels generous, they may put out a similar mount of this (maybe a chocobo? hmmm) like they did with the fishable turtle mount. Funny though, because I so felt that I 'needed' the turtle mount as part of my collection, but when it came out, I did not want to dedicate hours of grinding for it.

I feel like a kid in a candy store, always getting distracted by more shinier things ooh-ahh!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Green proto drake mount

Finally got it yesterday! I've been waiting for this for literally months now. I still haven't got the proto-drake pet on either toons.

Short snippet of it in action!

Daily Tournament 'Grand Melee'

Hi this is my first attempt at making a video and uploading it up on YT. I finally was able to find a full copy of FRAPS and wanted to record video captures of quests and will eventually post up boss encounters that I have done. I'm still trying to learn how to use Windows movie maker effectively, but for now, I hope this helps.

May need to put the volume up a bit for sound.