
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pam plays WoW

I found out a little surprise last night. One of my friends from waaay back in my high school days plays WoW. Lol so crazy. We were both chatting about it last night saying all those times we bumped into each other in town and asked what we had been up to, we never mentioned that we spend countless hours infront of our computers 3 or 4 evenings a week conquering monsters on WoW haha.

At the release night of the WOTLK expansion, I bumped into my friend Cindy who I found out that evening also plays WoW herself!

Unfortunately, they both play alliance as opposed to me playing horde boo ...

But there may be a possibility we may start fresh and play with each other on the same server. So either I reroll Alliance or they roll Horde lol.

I hope they don't mind me linking their armory but just check out their gear! (O.O)

Pam's epic druid
Sylestine and alt rogue Syleena.

I forgot Cindy's toon but I know it's a level 80 night elf priest and she used to be on Dragonmaw but she mentioned to me she has changed servers.

Now 2 of my gfs play this lifesucking game with me, how many more are there?!

Short shorts?

Please tell me what is wrong with this picture?! :

Yeah that's right, the evident bones that are showing just below my SHORTS. Yes shorts. It's pretty obvious Blizzard doesn't give much thought or work on mages compared to rogues and warlocks. What happened to the past-the-ankle dresses?! Seriously, please Blizzard, show us mages some respect and make the tier 8.5 gear a robe?! It is very unflattering especially for us undeads.

I remember they did the same thing with, I believe, the spellfire set and they changed them into a robe. I hope they do the same with these.

Friday, June 12, 2009

How to: make your own Plumbob headband

Ever wanted your very own 'plumbob'? I know I do!

Taken from Ehow.com. Link: http://www.ehow.com/how_4532798_sims-plumbob-halloween-cosplay.html

I was trying to figure out how to make a plumbob headband but one that would float or dangle above your head and found this useful 'how-to' on Ehow.com on how to make one using just 2 pieces of square shaped papers (preferably green), a pipe(fluffy) cleaner and a regular headband. Link here. I think it's a cute idea I wanted to share for Sims fans :)

My friends last weekend with my plumbob keyring I got with the collector's edition :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First Sims 3 home

My first Sims 3 home I created from scratch just a few days ago.

I haven't had time to go back and play it again since Jun has been hogging the pc like mad and the only chance I get to play on my own frikkin pc is when he's asleep and by that time, I'm too sleepy myself to get up and play for hours -.-

I always start with the interior and work around it. So I would place where I would want my furniture to be and then place walls around. But what I find is, I end up with one whole wall with none or not enough windows. It just looks silly. I was going to frap this, but it takes a while for me to create a house since I'm picky with colors.

I don't really (or haven't) made a mansion. I like to create cosy little homes so that it doesn't take half a day for my sims to get to the bathroom.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sims 3 out!

The Sims 3 is so crazy. I opened the package and I didn't know where to start. I started reading the booklet (pfft as if read booklets ..)

Extra surprise you get in the Sims 3 Collector's Edition:

A 2GB USB memory stick:

What you will expect in the Sims 3 that you didn't see in Sims 2:

- You can match your furniture color/design/pattern with your clothing and even down to your shoes.
- The personality traits are so overwhelming it would probably take me forever to know them all and what to use to make a character. Many many combinations to choose from but can only choose up to FIVE. 'My' sim had 'hot-headed', clumsy, pc-geek, and I think friendly haha.

- You can adjust how wide or skinny you want your sim to be.

- You can now add a voice to your sim and adjust the pitch! That is so crazy ( how many times have I said the word 'crazy' -.- ) but it is! You can definately make them so much more individually unique now.

- You can now move around your neighbourhood as you please without having to load in and out of your piece of land. Heck, you can take a jog around the whole block.

- In terms of grid, in the Sims 2 you could only place them on top of the grid squares, but in the Sims 3, you can place them on top of over half a grid which makes the placement of the items in the room .. well, pretty much more of a realistic room. You can also place items diagonally which looks great.

What I was really disappointed because I was so looking forward to trying it out was having to actually control and SEE your sim while they are at work. Sure you can control what they do when they're at work, BUT you can't see them, you can't put the walls down so you can see what theyre doing or what the building looks like inside. Same goes with the grocery. I really wanted my sim to walk down the grocery aisle and click on grocery items to put in the cart but instead you get a list and you just choose which you need and leave! Yes I wanted the works!

I do like how you can see your sim drive in their car and even have the car parked at the venue or lot that your sim is currently visiting or on.

The 'motherlode' cheat still works which is great and is all I pretty much need haha.

Will update more on my findings as this is just what I have found in less than 2 hours worth of play.

I honestly thought my computer would literally DIE loading the game but surprisingly it has been running smoothly

Video coming up!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sims 3 creeping up close

Less than 24 hours til I can get my grubby hands on the game

I've had my copy of the collector's edition reserved since mid January because it was supposed to be out February and not it's June!

I was supposed to get my pc upgraded with a better graphic card but it's playing fine with WoW. I'll have to wait and see how smooth it plays on my current computer than if it's not up to par than I will go and get it upgraded.

I went into Game yesterday and asked if they were going to have a late night event open at midnight for the Sims 3 but they said they weren't. They did say they had already received the shipment but were strictly not allowed to sell it before the due date. If only I knew someone that worked for Game!

I noticed in their official trailer that they seem to focus more on the different personalities of the sims and not more so on creating homes and the environment which I am more into. Will just have to see and wait!


I haven't logged onto WoW for like 2 days now. Reason being is that Tuesday maintanence and then another extended maintenance Wednesday day so that can't be helped.

I'm thinking of quitting WoW when I get back from my trip. This will probably be due to work and I don't think I will have time to raid late nights. As much as I would love to play when I can, paying the subscription monthly will also be a waste if I am only able to log on for like an hour or so every night or not at all. Kinda like my gym membership ... paying for something that's not being put to use. This isn't a charity I'm paying for.

With excuses and errors, I'm frustrated with Blizzard. Such a disappointment. They know people are hooked onto this game and they know players will not abandon them if they continue to not fix problems. I know I've put so much of my time and effort into the game but I can no longer do so if they continue playing up and fucking customers over. It's just not on.

Also with the Sims 3 out, I'll be putting more of my time into that game. I won't have to pay a monthly fee just to play. Heck I don't even need internet connection to play!