
Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I haven't logged onto WoW for like 2 days now. Reason being is that Tuesday maintanence and then another extended maintenance Wednesday day so that can't be helped.

I'm thinking of quitting WoW when I get back from my trip. This will probably be due to work and I don't think I will have time to raid late nights. As much as I would love to play when I can, paying the subscription monthly will also be a waste if I am only able to log on for like an hour or so every night or not at all. Kinda like my gym membership ... paying for something that's not being put to use. This isn't a charity I'm paying for.

With excuses and errors, I'm frustrated with Blizzard. Such a disappointment. They know people are hooked onto this game and they know players will not abandon them if they continue to not fix problems. I know I've put so much of my time and effort into the game but I can no longer do so if they continue playing up and fucking customers over. It's just not on.

Also with the Sims 3 out, I'll be putting more of my time into that game. I won't have to pay a monthly fee just to play. Heck I don't even need internet connection to play!