
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pam plays WoW

I found out a little surprise last night. One of my friends from waaay back in my high school days plays WoW. Lol so crazy. We were both chatting about it last night saying all those times we bumped into each other in town and asked what we had been up to, we never mentioned that we spend countless hours infront of our computers 3 or 4 evenings a week conquering monsters on WoW haha.

At the release night of the WOTLK expansion, I bumped into my friend Cindy who I found out that evening also plays WoW herself!

Unfortunately, they both play alliance as opposed to me playing horde boo ...

But there may be a possibility we may start fresh and play with each other on the same server. So either I reroll Alliance or they roll Horde lol.

I hope they don't mind me linking their armory but just check out their gear! (O.O)

Pam's epic druid
Sylestine and alt rogue Syleena.

I forgot Cindy's toon but I know it's a level 80 night elf priest and she used to be on Dragonmaw but she mentioned to me she has changed servers.

Now 2 of my gfs play this lifesucking game with me, how many more are there?!